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Norteak Group
– reforestation and development

The Norteak Group is a collaborative initiative dedicated to long-term reforestation, restoration, and protection of forests on degraded grasslands in Nicaragua, specifically focusing on teak and native species plantations. Owned and managed by three companies specializing in sustainable forestry, wood extraction, and sales—Norteak Nicaragua S.A., Ekoteak S.A., and Maderas Sostenibles S.A.


The Norteak Group aims to foster economic, social, and environmental conditions through sustainable forestry, aligning with community development. Their values center on social responsibility, environmental sustainability, and Respect-for-All, exemplifying adherence to labor laws, tolerance, and accountability. The project's mission is to ensure optimal living conditions for trees and people, nurturing growth in knowledge, the economy, and sustainable nature. By offering quality jobs and education, planting teak trees on degraded land, and managing protected areas to facilitate the wild growth of native forests, Norteak Group contributes to biodiversity restoration.


Covering 3,545.6 hectares, the Norteak Group manages 16 plantations, with 2,581.6 hectares reforested and 964 hectares designated as protected areas. 688.4 hectares are certified for carbon removal, where an estimated 6,357 tCO2e is expected to be annually removed, totaling 190,721 tCO2e over 30 years.


Three Key pillars


1.  Sustainable Land Use

We are all responsible for land as a common good, and by engaging in sustainable forestry practices the  Norteak Group aims to maximize the value it provides to the project and the surrounding community.


2.  Social responsibility

The Norteak Group is a key figure within its community, having grown as a project alongside the community itself, in addition to seeking to foster economic development and security as the main employer in the region. 


3.  Environmental impact

Foster Biodiversity and native forests through designated protected areas, as well as harboring a natural reserve, all of which aim to promote the wellbeing of surrounding ecosystems.


Norteak Group Certifications

The Norteak Group has achieved the prestigious VERRA and CCB certifications for their carbon crediting program, recognizing their significant contributions to climate, community, and biodiversity. Additionally, Norteak Nicaragua S.A., a part of the Norteak Group, is certified by the FSC for its reforestation project.


Verra is a non-profit organization that operates standards in environmental and social markets, including the world's leading carbon crediting program.


CCB Standards
The CCB Standards represent assurance that a given project is delivering tangible climate, community, and biodiversity benefits.


Forest Stewardship Council FSC™
The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) is an international, non-governmental organisation dedicated to promoting responsible management of the world's forests.

*FSC is valid for Norteak Nicaragua S.A only.


Sustainable Development Goals

Norteak Group's initiatives align with the UN Sustainable Development Goals, specifically focusing on four key objectives. By actively pursuing these SDGs, they aspire to build a prosperous future that benefits generations to come.


SDG 4. Quality Education

Providing quality education through an internal training program for employees. Aiming to develop specialized workers and leaders in rural areas, minimizing the reliance on external expertise. The Norteak Group also provides practice and internships for students from local universities.


SDG 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth

Prioritizing job stability, especially for long-serving employees, supported by investments in long-term forestry assets combined with added-value products from milling, furniture production and building components. They also actively promote community wood workshops to enhance local engagement and skills.


SDG 13. Climate Action

Actively capturing carbon by engaging in reforestation and restoring depleted land, while prioritizing the preservation of native forests. The overreaching goal is to enhance ecological health and promote biodiversity in the regions where the Norteak Group operates.


SDG 15. Life on Land

Ensuring favorable living conditions for local fauna by designating 30% of farmland to protected areas. Conserving a 120-hectare wetland rainforest, re-established 17 hectares of extinct tropical rainforest, and closely monitoring wildlife, with a focus on endangered species.


Download a pdf presentation of Norteak:

More information about the reforestation project on

Other reforestation projects


- the high-impact reforestation project

  • A total of 365 hectares of reforested, restored and protected land.

  • Planted 262.000 teak trees on degraded land in Nicaragua.

  • Removed 98.000 tons of CO2.

  • Certified by Gold Standard for the Global Goals and currently undergoing recertification by the FSC™. 


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